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Best Places to Sell Your Used Power Tools

12 min read

Selling Your Used Power Tools

Pros Cons
Online (National) Lots of buyers High fees
Online (Local) Fast Deals Safety, Payment
Tool Forum Right Audience Concluding Deals
Garage Sale Low cost Few buyers
Pawn Shop Quick cash Bad Prices
Consignment Shop Reach spending audience Lower pay rates

hardware store sale

Why Selling Used Power Tools is a Good Idea

Selling used power tools can be a smart move for several reasons.

Firstly, it’s an eco-friendly choice that promotes sustainability by extending the life of these durable products.

Secondly, it can put extra cash in your pocket, helping you recover some of your initial investment.

Additionally, by selling your old tools, you can make room for newer, more advanced equipment that better suits your needs.

The Pros and Cons of Selling Used Tools


Selling used tools is a great way to make some extra cash.

You can often get a good price for items that are still in good condition from buyers looking to save money.

You can use the money to fund other projects or for treating yourself.

It’s an easy task you can do at your own pace, without having to take time away from other commitments.

There is also the satisfaction of knowing you are helping someone out by providing them with needed items at a lower price.

Not only does selling them keep them circulating within the community, but it can help the environment too.


Selling used tools takes an investment of time and energy.

You need to advertise or find a platform to sell it, price and photograph the item, answer any questions, and usually arrange transportation.

Even after you find a buyer, you need to make sure they actually pay and the item gets shipped out and arrived safe and sound.

Scams are unfortunately common when selling used tools online.

Fraudsters might try to take advantage of you by promising to pay more than the item is worth, asking for personal information, or offering payment but never showing up to purchase.

A buyer might try to trick you by claiming the item you’re selling does not match its description, or appear to pay but never give you the agreed upon price.

To protect yourself, only accept pre-verified payments, research buyers before selling, and never provide any personal information.

Preparing Your Tools for Sale

Cleaning and Maintenance

Before you put your power tools up for sale, it’s important to give them a good scrub! Start by wiping off dirt and grime with a damp cloth, as this will help make them look clean and well-cared for.

It’s also a good idea to remove any rust or corrosion present on the tool, and give it a good oiling with a lubricant gun.

If any of your tools have metallic blades, it’s best to give them a good sharpening too.

You’ll want to check all the nuts and bolts for tightness - nothing beats a good vacuum and a few spritzes of cleaner to make your tools look like new!

If any of the surfaces are dull, you may want to apply a thin coat of oil or wax to bring back the shine.

Additionally, with delicate items, like drills or routers, it’s a good idea to inspect the cord and plug for any damage or fraying.

Lastly, be sure to give each tool a good cleaning with a damp cloth or brush.

Documentation and Accessories

Before selling your tools, make sure you have all the necessary documentation and accessories.

Gather product manuals, warranty information, and any other documents that came with the tools.

Assemble original packaging, chargers, and other accessories to set your tools apart from others for sale.

Take pictures of the tools as well, which may help potential buyers get a better idea of what they are buying.

Lastly, check that the power cords are intact and that all features are working properly.

If your tool had any unusual extras that weren’t part of the original package, include those too.

Be sure to note all the parts in your listing when you post it.

Pricing Strategy

Researching fair market value is important when pricing your used power tools.

Check online used tool and equipment websites to see what similar items are being sold for.

Keep in mind that age and condition of your tools will affect the pricing.

Generally, you should be looking for a price within 10% of the current used market value.

List your items in increments of $5 or $10 for ease of sale.

Consider also that a fixed price is set in stone and won’t change, while a negotiable price gives customers room to discuss and haggle over the cost.

Think about the tool’s condition and market value to find a starting point.

Decide how much time you’re willing to invest when deciding your pricing strategy, if you’re willing to negotiate, and if so by how much.

Online Platforms for Selling

eBay: The Auction Giant

eBay is an online marketplace that has been around since the 90s.

On eBay you can buy and sell millions of power tools, both new and used.

The platform is like an auction, with the highest bidder winning the item.

Alternatively, you can sell for a fixed price - but make sure it’s one you’re happy with, after fees.

Pros of eBay include its large user base, making it easy to find buyers and sellers.

Cons are that the fees can be expensive, and there can be a lot of competition with buyers making the process unpredictable.

On the bright side, if you find the right buyer, you can conclude your sale quickly and efficiently.

Don’t forget to include accurate shipping information with each item, and make sure to respond quickly to customer messages.

Craigslist: Local and Direct

Craigslist is a great option for those selling power tools locally.

On Craigslist, you can post your items for sale in under an hour and instantly reach potential buyers within your area.

This allows for direct sales, meaning seller and buyer can make contact and arrange a meeting without having to go through a third-party.

However, there is no protection from buyers who don’t pay or who don’t show up.

Additionally, it’s hard to find out how many people are actually seeing the post, as compared to a website or app designed specifically for selling items.

Plus, there’s no guarantee of getting paid, which can be risky for sellers.

It’s a good idea to meet in a public place, such as a café, and bring a buddy if possible.

If you’re meeting someone in person, never let them entry your home.

Before you leave the meet-up, test the items you’re selling to make sure they’re working properly.

Lastly, trust your instincts – if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Facebook Marketplace: Social Selling

Facebook Marketplace is a great option for selling used power tools.

It’s free to list items, straightforward to use, and has a huge audience that is easy to reach.

If your item is especially unique, you may be able to capitalize on the social aspect of Marketplace and get lots of interest from friends and family.

The downside of using Facebook Marketplace is that there are no protection policies, so you may be at risk if you encounter a buyer who doesn’t make good on their promises.

Think of it like an online yard sale.

You can post pictures of your items and potential buyers will see them in their news feed.

To make sure your posts stand out from the clutter, add descriptions to each item listing.

Include the condition of the tool, brand, model, and any other relevant information.

When posting prices, avoid listing a price range and instead list a single, clearly defined price.

Make sure you’re responsive to any questions buyers might have and include shipping information if that’s an option.

Specialty Forums and Websites

Niche communities for tool enthusiasts offer great places to sell used power tools.

Popular forums and websites focused on particular types of tools, like joiners or bandsaws, or even sub-divisions of tools, like circular saw blades, are hubs of potential buyers and former owners.

These fans love to know the benefits of their tools and the ability to pick up a secondhand bargain without having to scour their local area.

Selling power tools through these specialty forums and websites can often bring out the most committed buyers with in-depth knowledge to make sure they get the most bang for their buck.

Pros include detailed descriptions, a large community of like-minded members, and reliable ratings.

Cons can include higher price tags and limited stock, as well as the possibility of buyers with limited knowledge trying to get you to accept a low price.

Be sure to set the right expectations and use a payment service for transactions to minimize risks.

Offline Places to Sell

Garage Sales: Old but Gold

Garage sales are classic hubs for selling used things like power tools.

Make sure to clearly label each item and set fair prices.

Price items to move quickly and get the most out of your sale.

Have friends and family help you spread the word — online and offline — to maximize the number of people who will come by and shop.

With a little know-how, your garage sale can achieve your goals.

You may also want to get creative and offer package deals.

Pawn Shops: Quick but Low Profit

Pawn shops are a great option if you need to sell your used power tools quickly.

You’ll be in and out of the shop in no time, but the downside is that you won’t get top dollar for your items.

As with any pawn shop sale, you’ll only get a fraction of the seller’s price because the shop owner wants to keep a cut of the profit for themselves.

When negotiating with the pawn shop, have a firm understanding of the market value of the tool. Just because you paid a lot for it originally, doesn’t mean you’ll get that price now.

Have confidence and don’t be afraid of walking away if you don’t get a price you feel is fair.

It also helps to shop around and compare offers from multiple pawn shops to get the best deal.

Consignment Stores: Less Effort, Lower Returns

If you’re looking to sell your power tools but don’t want to put in a lot of effort, consignment stores could be the perfect place for you!

When you take your tools to a consignment store, they’ll take them off your hands and display them on their shelves.

They handle all the marketing and customer interaction themselves.

When your item sells, the store pays you a portion of the sale price - typically around 50%.

The upside is that you don’t need to do anything but drop off the item and get paid afterwards.

The downsides are that you invested very little effort, but you also get a lower return on your investment.

Make sure to research the quality and reputation of any store before agreeing to consign your tools.

Tips for Safe and Effective Selling

Secure Payments

When selling used power tools, it’s important to make sure payments are secure.

If the buyer pays by check, wait until it clears the bank before sending the power tool.

In general, when choosing a payment method, make sure it’s safe and secure for both the seller and the buyer.

Be careful of suspicious offers that propose to pay using methods such as wire transfers, prepaid cards, or gift cards. These are red flags!

If the buyer insists on using a wire transfer, make sure to check them out first.

Verify that their identity is authentic and that there are other similar transactions they have completed in the past.

Taking these extra steps can help ensure your safety and stop scamming.

Shipping and Handling

Pack fragile items in bubble wrap.

Secure heavier items with packaging tape.

Label or mark any fragile or breakable items as such.

For heavier items, have enough space in the box so you are able to add extra padding with newspaper or packing peanuts.

Make sure to cover any sharp edges with tape or another material.

Make sure to measure the size and weight of the package so you can accurately calculate the cost of shipping.

Add the address of the buyer and the return address to the package.

Include tracking information if possible.

Before you ship, also research the regulations for selling used items: some couriers don’t allow certain items, so make sure you know what you can and can’t ship.


We’ve looked at numerous outlets for selling used power tools.

Bigger venues like FaceBook, eBay, and Craigslist are best for fast, reliable sales.

But if you don’t mind extra effort up-front, local shops and ads can bring you more return - just remember to factor in costs for shipping or handling.

No matter where you sell, it pays to do your research and know which venue is best for your needs.

Finally, before you agree to any sale, be sure to calculate the shipping and handling costs and include it in the final price.

Do this, and you’ll have cash in your pocket before you know it.

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