Home Power Tools

How to Buy a Planishing Hammer

9 min read


Planishing Hammers for DIYers Table

Planishing Hammers for DIYers | Benefits

  • Easily flatten and shape auto body components | Simple to use and operate
  • Eliminate high and low spots in sheet metal | Can save time doing repairs
  • Faster than hand filing metal | Can reduce costs and get repairs done more quickly
  • Better control than by hand beating or filing | Can finish repairs to a high standard
  • Sharper metal-edge contours | Can make complex jobs easier

Defining the Planishing Hammer

A planishing hammer is a specialized tool that is used to shape and manipulate metal.

It is used to press and distort metal, resulting in a smoother and more polished surface.

This hammers are usually constructed like a ball peen hammer, but have a flat face instead of a pointed tip.

They are available in a range of sizes so they can be used for different sized and types of metal.

When used properly, a planishing hammer can give metal sheeting a nice sheen without much effort.

They are commonly found in metalworking shops, automotive repair shops and in manufacturing facilities.

Our Goal

Our goal is to help you understand planishing hammers and how they can be an essential part of your DIY projects.

Planishing hammers are used to flatten and shape metal, making them a must-have tool for many home projects.

If used correctly, they can create a smooth, finished look and can help you produce beautiful and professional results.

Know that with the right planishing hammer, you can unlock the potential of any metal project.

What Sets Planishing Hammers Apart


Planishing hammers provide some important advantages.

They help to make a project look more professional by smoothing out small imperfections and creating a sleek, polished finish.

The efficiency and speed of the hammer also helps to reduce the number of steps and tools necessary when working on a project.

Planishing hammers also have interchangeable tips to adapt to different styles and shapes, making them the ideal tool for complex projects.

Lastly, these hammers are designed and manufactured with high-quality materials giving them strength and durability even after multiple uses.

In short, using a planishing hammer gives your project the perfect touch and ensures it will stand the test of time.

How Planishing Hammers Work

Planishing hammers are tools used to finish metalwork.

They create a smooth finish by flattening out any uneven surfaces and remove imperfections such as blemishes and dents.

To do this, they use a series of powerful blows with the hammer’s head.

The hammer head is made from a special steel and is designed to be springy, allowing it to deliver powerful yet precise blows that can shape metal without breaking it.

As the hammer is used, it forms a slight surface texture, which creates an attractive finish.

This means it can also be used to create decorative finishes, adding aesthetic appeal to metalwork.

Features to Look For

When choosing a planishing hammer, look for features like a handle designed for comfort and ease of use.

You’ll want to make sure the head of the hammer is strong and durable, and can handle heavy-duty tasks.

Make sure the hammer is lightweight, so it won’t cause fatigue while planishing.

Lastly, the hammer should have a non-slip grip for added safety.

Be sure to carefully examine these features to get the best planishing hammer for your job!

When to Use a Planishing Hammer

Common Applications

A planishing hammer is commonly used for creating smooth out and flattening metal surfaces, such as sheet metal and stainless steel.

It’s also used for reshaping or stretching metal sheets, rounding edges, and shaping metal components for better connections.

You can use the planishing hammer to make pieces of flat metal, such as coins or jewelry designs, look more attractive.

It’s also helpful for cleaning up rough or worn surfaces of dull metals.

The planishing hammer is a great tool to have when you want to create a professional-looking finish on metal surfaces.

Planishing Hammers In Your Workshop

Having a planishing hammer on hand in your workshop will come in handy.

You can use it as an alternative to a mallet when forging metal pieces into shape.

It is heftier than a regular mallet and can punch a bigger hole each time.

You can also use it in place of a wire brush when giving metals an even surface.

It won’t leave behind any bristles, leaving your finished project looking more polished.

A planishing hammer can even replace a rubber hammer when you are banging parts together; the solid surface of the hammer will do the job better.

So if you want to put together a more efficient home workshop, a planishing hammer should be included in your supplies.

Techniques and Tips

When using a planishing hammer, always make sure to strike your surface with slow, controlled, and regular blows.

Angle your strikes to ensure even coverage across the entire surface.

It’s best to use lighter blows when hammering around curves and edges to avoid damaging them.

When upholstering, practice on scrap material first to get the feel for the accuracy and speed.

Allow adequate space between your hammer and material so that hammers can move freely and back and forth for better results.

Practice speed, power, and accuracy to seamlessly blend and shape the material.

After each strike, release the pressure and lift the hammer off the surface to prevent deep marks.

What To Look For In A Planishing Hammer

Planishing Hammer Options

When choosing a planishing hammer, it’s important to consider the technique that you’ll be using.

A cross-peening hammer is best for working with lighter materials, while a flat-peening hammer is better for more welding and fabricating.

If you’re already familiar with the technique, you can go with a standard planishing hammer.

A chisel-faced hammer has a rough edge for more pressing tasks.

For finer work, a round-faced hammer is better.

You may also want to consider a curve-faced hammer, which is great for detail work.

Whichever type of planishing hammer you choose, practice on scrap metal or other material to get a good feel for your technique.

Choosing the Right Planishing Hammer

When it’s time to buy a planishing hammer, there are certain things to keep in mind.

First, consider the type of project you’re going to be working on.

Different planishing hammers are suited for different types of projects.

Second, look at the size of the planishing hammer.

Larger ones make it possible to do bigger jobs, while smaller ones can help with more detailed work.

Third, think about the materials you need to work on - softer materials require softer hammers while harder materials may need tougher ones.

Finally, consider whether you need a hand-held or bench model planishing hammer.

Once you’ve chosen the right planishing hammer, you’ll be ready to start your project.

Brand Reliability

When it comes to buying a planishing hammer, a few reliable brands will help ensure that you get the best experience and results.

Anvil has long been known for its high quality planishing hammers.

This brand is a good option for those seeking a durable and reliable tool.

Despite its rather high cost, many users report that their Anvil planishing hammer has lasted them for years.

Another high quality option is Knipex.

This brand is known for offering a wide variety of planishing hammers for many different applications.

Finally, Peacock has a range of planishing hammers that have a reputation for durability, making it a great option for those seeking a dependable, long-lasting tool.

Safety Measures and Precautions


Planishing hammers can sometimes experience issues such as the mallet becoming loose and the hammer not hitting the metal as hard as it should.

If you experience these issues, it’s best to tighten the mallet by using the relevant Allen key or other tool provided with the hammer.

If that doesn’t solve the issue, there could be an issue with the anvil.

Check that it is secure and flush with the hammer.

If the anvil is broken, contact the manufacturer for a replacement.

You should also regularly check the handle and mallet for signs of wear and tear, replacing them when necessary.

Maintenance and Upkeep

Regular maintenance of a planishing hammer should be observed in order to ensure safety and a long lifetime of use.

It’s important to check the components and the manual for any guidance on maintenance and become familiar with best practices.

Checking the joints, belts, and pulleys for signs of chipping, rust, or wear and tear should be done on a regular basis.

It’s also important to check the inner chambers, knobs, and handles to make sure they are all tight and secure.

Replace worn parts or contact a professional if necessary.

Finally, make sure your planishing hammer is stored away in a safe, dry place when not in use.

Staying Safe

It’s important to protect yourself when using a planishing hammer.

Wear safety glasses whenever operating this tool.

Make sure everyone in the work area is wearing protective gear.

Keep bystanders at a distance and away from the tool’s working area.

Keep close control over the tool, and maintain a firm grip.

Be alert and watch what you are doing.

If possible, use a barrier between yourself and the hammer when working.

Be sure to listen for any warning signs from the tool, like grinding or squealing sounds.

Lastly, check the manufacturer’s safety guidelines when using the planishing hammer for additional tips and information about keeping safe.


Buying Your Planishing Hammer

When it comes to buying a planishing hammer, materials, price, and quality are key.

Make sure the hammer you purchase is made from quality and durable materials, and that it fits your budget.

If possible, go for a higher-end model with a longer warranty - it will save you money in the long run.

Also, check out different manufacturers and suppliers for the best price and selection.

Finally, when you get your planishing hammer, don’t forget the extra supplies like protective gear, safety glasses, and other tools you may need.

Don’t skimp on these - safety should be your top priority.

With the right combination of price, quality, and safety, you’ll be ready to get started on your projects in no time.

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